First off, fuck this guy. Hopefully he's caught soon. Rapists don't do well in prison. Second, it seems like everyone is referring to this incident as a "Logan Square sex assault". Howevah, this rape as well as the 2 previous ones have all occurred in the quaint up 'n' coming (uh oook) subdivision of Bucktown, an area previously known for its' staggering array of condo buildings adorned with Satan Disciples graffiti. I dunno about y'all but it seems like certain very important people who have alot of influence on how Chicagoans think (i.e. the local media) might have a little vested interest in all that fresh property west of Western and don't want to scare anybody off. So whatever, blame it on the Square. Nah fuck that, channel 9. Maybe ten years ago when I was locking my doors and rolling up my windows driving to fireside but not now. This area is clean as a whistle.
But more importantly, read the article thoroughly people. Ladies, keep your whits about you and stay strapped. If you're running mace, make sure it's the direct spray kind not the fog kind which just shoots a freaky cloud everywhere and will most likely fuck you up as much as the attacker. Also, marking ink with that mace is a huge plus so that homeboy is easily identifiable in the streets. Finally and I've been saying this shit from day one

Get that lipstick taser